Nutrition Reference
Dietary fibre
Normalizes your bowel movement and prevent constipation.
Promotes interstinal excretion of waste and toxins. Result is a healthy and beautiful skin complexion.
Enhances the grownth of probiotics and improves body metabolism.
Increase feeling of satiety, helps you to feel full longer and control your foods and energy intake and control your body weight.
Inhibit the growth of bad bacteria, promote the growth of beneficial probiotics.
Improve diarrhea, food allergies, lactose intolerance & cholesterol.
Boost metabolism and immunity.
Enzyme Premix
Regulate digestive function.
Promote gastrointestinal health.
Current recommendations from the United States National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine to suggest:
Adults : 25-30 grams dietary fiber / day
Children : 19-26 grams dietary fiber / day